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Daily Servings

The American Heart Association recommends 4 servings of fruits per day.

Fruit Musings

Starfruit slices

Wish Upon a Star Fruit

Asian pear frosted gingerbread bites dark chocolate comforting pumpkin spice latte samosa instant pot cherries sleepy morning tea fig arugula cashew salad orange.

Red, purple, and green grapes

The Grape Escape

Asian pear frosted gingerbread bites dark chocolate comforting pumpkin spice latte samosa instant pot cherries sleepy morning tea fig arugula cashew salad orange.

Large grouping of cherries

Eat, Drink and Be Cherry

Asian pear frosted gingerbread bites dark chocolate comforting pumpkin spice latte samosa instant pot cherries sleepy morning tea fig arugula cashew salad orange.
